Friday, July 24, 2020


 Competencies beyond boundaries

Lately, Virtual Reality has offered new presentation methods for exhibitions in schools. MAPS was very excited to present its annual School  Exhibition“MAPS EXPO’2020- Competencies beyond boundaries”  in a virtual format this year on 25.7.2020. We were thrilled to have students submit the artworks online so that we can keep the tradition alive. Our approach aimed to offer to Agrasanians  a software platform to create and publish their own virtual museums on the Internet. Students collectively synthesized all of their research and findings and chose to express them through a way that can be shared with the whole school community ~ parents, students, colleagues and family members. It also provided  the teachers with a powerful and authentic process for assessing student understanding. Our students were given a lot of voice and choice in the process and responded with unbridled enthusiasm, The aim behind this expo was to  use the flexibility and reach of the online space to host a Digital Exhibition that enables exhibitors to fully showcase their talent  with rich content formats and allows attendees to access and explore these offerings in the comfort of their homes. Their creativity brightens our lives and their beautiful art is such a great way to transition from Spring to Summer every year. We did not want to miss out on their amazing talent and wonderful spirit. We deeply appreciate the support of the parents and families who have helped their children connect to the teachers and shared the work that would help them to create, grow, heal, and communicate which cannot be expressed in other ways.

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